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A camera is a lightproof box with an opening in it which allows light to pass through to the sensor where the image is recorded. The camera body is the box, the lens is the opening and the shutter is the thing that opens to let the light in. The lens focuses the image on the sensor giving a high-quality recording of the scene the camera is pointing at.

A camera works by exposing the camera sensor to light when the shutter opens. The amount of time the shutter is open, the size of the opening in the camera lens and the sensitivity of the camera sensor to light are all adjustable and set by either the camera or the photographer to create the exposure.

How does light get into the box?

The lightproof box has an opening in it which is called the shutter. When the shutter opens light gets into the lightproof box where the camera sensor is.

how does the camera body work?

The camera body is the bit that has all the electronics and clever stuff in it. It also has such things on the camera body, controls and dials with which we can change all those many, many settings.

how does the camera lens work?

The lens to attaches the camera body by a mount. The lens is the thing that controls the light and the sharpness of the light getting in (not what my transcript says so time to correct this!

how does the camera sensor work?

The camera body is where the very important sensor is. Now what’s a sensor? If you think of a film camera (if you’re old enough) there was a place where you put the film, in the back of the camera body. You had to wind the film onto the first bit to take a photo with It.

How does the camera shutter work?

The shutter is the thing that lets light reach the sensor. Press the shutter release button and the shutter opens, exposing the camera sensor (or film) to the light coming in through the lens.